I did an OK job on this guy, but he is one of those figurines where you wonder what possessed you to purchase him in the first place. He's not exactly heroic. I was probably inspired by the raw turkey he is carrying around. You can see it up in the top left of this shot:

Here he is from behind. This guy is totally laden down. He is carrying 2 quivers, a bow, a warhammer, a longsword, an axe, a book, a shield, rope, a lantern, 2 sleeping bags, a frying pan, a bottle, a barrel, a backpack, 2 satchels, 2 sacks and a dagger.

I like to imagine a backstory when I paint a fig. I think this guy works for some conceited knight who makes him carry everything. The knight is a "Knight of the Hart" from Furyondy. Their coat of arms is antlers d'or on a field vert (he said, showing off his heraldic know-how). I painted the arms on both the shield and on the quiver hanging from his belt. Here's a third shot showing this (the shield's arms are obscured by the turkey).

This guy needs a new job, but I guess in the medieval era, this was probably considered a good gig.
That turkey might go bad if it's not eaten later in the day.
Ewww! That turkey should have been cooked, or at least salted/cured. Clearly they've just set out, or it wouldn't still be such a healthy pink colour.
Nice painting though.
Hey, this is me at work!
I want some royalties from
the figure manufacturer...
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