Disc 10 is...Short Sharp Shocked

Artist: Michelle Shocked
Year of Release: 1988
How I Came To Know It: This was my second Michelle Shocked purchase - I got interested in her in 1992 when I was heavy into my folk music phase. I heard "Come A Long Way" - Short, Sharp, Shocked is just me drilling backward.
How It Stacks Up: I've got 3 Michelle Shocked albums. This one is a strong second in my books, although most people say it is her best. It is certainly a classic.
Rating: 3 stars.
This album is solid, and features the 5 star track "Anchorage". Anchorage is an incredible story filled with subtext about a woman writing to an old friend. We know that somehow a man (Leroy) has come between them, but the song is subtle enough, and respects you enough to let you figure it out.
Short Sharp Shocked is a folk album in my book, but Michelle Shocked has a real bluesy quality about her throughout. She has great phrasing as a vocalist, and as is often the case with the better folk musicians, she tells a good story.
One thing I love about all 3 of my Michelle Shocked albums is on each one she really tries a new style. I'm sure this has kept her from being famous, since she probably loses some audience with each change. Personally, I like that she's willing to take risks. Any moron can write pointless formulaic music (note to Nickelback - please stop any time). No, this will not be the last time I attack Nickelback. Yes, it is like shooting fish in a barrel, but they are evil fish, and need to die.
But I digress...
The cover photo is a bit goofy. Maybe I just don't go for the "protest action shot".
Best tracks: Anchorage, Memories of East Texas, If Love Was a Train
1 comment:
This is the album most people know - "Anchorage" was a pretty solid radio hit. I don't listen to this one much, but I have uploaded a few songs from it.
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