Disc 3 is...The Jerky Boys

Artist: The Jerky Boys
Year of Release: 1993
How I Came To Know It: This album was introduced to me by my buddy Jeff O. I lost touch with Jeff years ago, and I often wonder how he's doing. He was one of the happiest people I've ever met, so it is fitting that he put me on to a pretty funny comedy album.
How It Stacks Up: This is the only Jerky Boys album I own. I think there are at least 4, but this one is the famous one.
Rating: 3 stars
The Jerky Boys were basically a couple of New York guys who would record the prank calls they made around the city and then distribute them on underground, wholly illegal tapes. That is how I first heard them (some of that stuff never made it to legitimacy).
The CD was a result of them getting so famous doing these tapes, they eventually got a record deal. At least that's how I remember it - and since it is a Creative Maelstom, and not a Historic Maelstrom, I'm sticking with that.
Anyway - it is damned funny stuff, although it is even more embarrassing to listen to in the car than gangsta rap. I actually turned it off at stop lights. With the gangsta rap, I just turn it down.
I don't think we need to spend a lot of time here - if you want to hear it, then buy your own, jerky!
Best tracks: Irate Tile Man, Car Salesman, Super Across the Way, Auto Mechanic, Punitive Damages.
1 comment:
Not a huge fan of the Jerky Boys - did anyone ever see that movie they made? But I will admit they make me laugh.
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