Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Figurine: Ghost And Gravestones

I haven't posted a new figurine in over six weeks (this is what happens once football season starts), but yesterday being a holiday I was able to get some painting time in.

My last figure was a ghost knight, begging the question, "what happens when someone dies and they aren't a knight?" Well my friends, then you just get a ghost of the ordinary variety. Here he is:
For some reason, this figure was sold with three little gravestones as well. I presume that is what passes for 'value added' in undead commerce. Here's a closer look at just the ghost:
I tried to slowly lighten the colour at the edges of the figure to give it the illusion of being insubstantial, and fading into the surrounding mist.

Maybe this ghost would rest if someone would just put his skull back in his grave. Having it sit out naked like that is just embarassing.

Here he is from the back:
And of course, no scary ghost photo gallery would be complete without the obligatory "He's coming right at me!" pose.
Happy early Halloween!


Sheila said...

Looks awesome, love! Great work on the shading.

Anonymous said...

This would make a dynamite tattoo. I suppose placement would be the issue, depending on whether I was applying for a grave digger's position or live-in nanny...rOZZY