Many people have mixed emotions about Green Day as a band. Generally, I think they are very talented - and I like them enough to own all their albums with the exception of that "International Mega Hits" one. Is that even an album? Frankly, if it is the title turns me off. Let's keep such titles for an actual "best of". If it is a "best of" - I'd rather make my own, which I'm sure would be better. And less radio friendly. But I repeat myself.
Anyway, Green Day gets blamed for a lot that is not their fault - mostly for the crappy bands that try (and fail) to reproduce their sound. It really isn't fair - after all it is not Pearl Jam's fault that Creed exists.
By the way - this argument does not extend to Nickelback - not only is it their fault that Daughtry exists, but Nickelback are themselves, an abomination inflicted on the music world (note to the MMVAs - please stop encouraging them!)
But, I digress.
21st Century Breakdown:

Did I say this album is overlong?. It is 18 tracks and almost 70 minutes. I am a firm believer that very few albums can justify going above 12 or at most 14 songs. "21st Century" could easily trim 6 very forgettable tracks and be a lot tighter of an album. Let's call this the "law of vinyl"; when in doubt, it should fit on a record.
There are some high points - I am partial to (what I am told) is the radio release - "Know Your Enemy", and I also like "!Viva La Gloria!" (while decrying the punctuation). I think it ends strong as well, where it captures a piece of the American Idiot angst with "21 Guns" and "American Eulogy".
The production is a tight - something I always enjoy about Green Day - and has always offended punk purists who wanted them all muddy (attention punk purists - throw out your Clash albums if that's how you feel). Besides - Green Day isn't punk and never has been - sometimes rock n'roll is all you need.
The drummer is actually pretty good - but I'm not naming him, because he has a silly name. As I get older I find I am hearing the drummer more and more. Maybe I just can't hear anything else...
If you are a Green Day completionist - buy this album - it is worth a listen. If you are just looking for an album not called American Idiot or Dookie - then get Minority. It is an underrated album with some great tracks.
Logan's rating (see sideboard) 2 with a thumbs up - but only because I don't allow myself the luxury of the half star.
Great review! You need to update your "What's In My Car?" in your sidebar.
I like Green Day (especially the hits, so sue me), particularly "American Idiot", but only because I am partial to concept albums and that one hangs together really well.
Although I don't hate Green Day per se - if I had a time machine I might go back in time and assassinate them since they are responsible for the creation of a genre of music I do generally despise i.e. "domesticated punk".
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