Disc 248 is...For Those About To Rock

Year of Release: 1981
What’s Up With The Cover?: One of the most iconic rock and roll album covers of all time. Band name, album title and a cannon. Frankly, I'd settle for the cannon.
How I Came To Know It: I have known ACDC since I was a kid - they were a big deal in the small town I grew up in, and I've always liked them as well. I first heard this album when it came out in 1981, although I never owned it until fairly recently when I bought a remastered edition about five years ago.
How It Stacks Up: I don't have close to all of ACDC albums, but I've got a few - eight in fact. Sadly, of the eight albums, I must put "For Those About to Rock" last or 8th. I fully expect it is better than some of the ones I don't have, but the Odyssey doesn't work that way, and so it will have to be satisfied being 8th out of a strong field.
Rating: 3 stars.
There isn't a lot to say about "For Those About To Rock". It is their second album with new lead singer Brian Johnson. I am admittedly more of a Bon Scott guy, but I respect what Johnson brings to the band, and have three albums from that period (but more on the others when I roll them).
Johnson's vocals are strong on the record, and the band is as tight as ever (which is to say, very). The problem with the album are there just aren't enough stand out songs to carry it.
The album starts very strong, with the title track "For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)" one of the great eighties rock songs. This song hasn't stayed as popular as it has over the past thirty years by accident. The signature riff is excellent, and it is a song that shows Johnson at his best. Also, it features cannons being fired in honour of rock and roll, and who doesn't love that? In fact, I'm going to say this is the second greatest use of cannons in music - only after Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.
After this things fall off substantially. The riffs that open each song are still ACDC staples. Driving, blues driven guitar converted to a rock aesthetic and then delivered in a way designed to drag you around the room by your crotch. So that part is still working. The problem is more that these riffs aren't followed up with anything particular memorable. The other elements added to the songs don't build on the riffs, or support them in the way that makes so many ACDC songs go from good to great.
I was going to give this album a friendly 2 stars, but I may be being overly harsh simply by comparing them to their other albums. ACDC has some of the great rock albums ever made, and so they shouldn't be overly faulted for delivering one that is simply 'good'. "For Those About To Rock" is good, and I enjoyed listening to it. I wouldn't start here, though - there are at least seven albums I'd put you on to first.
Best tracks: For Those About to Rock, Let's Get It Up, C.O.D.
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