Disc 62 is...Tales From the Punchbowl

Year of Release: 1995
How I Came To Know It: I've heard Primus here and there at friend's houses for years, but this album was a gift from Sheila for my birthday, I believe. It was a valiant effort to try a new band that, by all rights, I should have liked. I have no complaints though - I once bought here a "Talk Talk" album for her with similar results. Talk Talk will not appear on this Odyssey, having already gone to that great Used CD Store in the Sky.
How It Stacks Up: I only have the one album, so I can't compare. I am told by those in the know that "Sailing The Seas of Cheese" is their defining album, but I have no idea.
Rating: 2 stars with a thumbs down (but it should be 3 stars for most folks).
This album was an odd experience. Primus is some kind of odd combination of prog and funk, and maybe a little metal. It is the kind of weird crossover that naturally appeals to me.
For all this, the album just doesn't appeal to me. There is no question these guys can play - especially the bass player and the drummer. Their songs are very innovative and interesting.
At the same time, it comes off sometimes as a bit of a 'hot mess' to borrow a dancing term. The constantly changing groove that is so fun in music like Rush just doesn't connect for me with Primus.
In their first song "Professor Nutbutter's House of Treats" (all the tracks have bizarre names) I actually checked the CD clock on my stereo because it seemed like it had been going on forever. It had actually been playing for 4:34. Then, it proceeded to go on forever - 6 minutes or so.
There are some good songs, "Mrs. Blaileen" is pretty cool, and has a good groove, and the song that was apparently famous "Wynona's Big Brown Beaver" is goofy and fun.
Having said this at the end of the day, a lot of these songs just kind of blend together. They are all different, but they all kind of sound a bit the same.
I think many listens to Primus would definitely make me appreciate them more. I did almost two listens and the second listen was better as I got an ear for them. But I've got a lot of CDs and not a lot of space, and I'm not sure realistically how often this album is going to get played over the years.
I must reluctantly part company with Primus. They are good, but they are not for me. At least not now. Maybe some time in the future, I'll be standing in The Great Used CD Store In The Sky, and across the aisles my eyes will meet the eyes of the punchbowl spoons on the album cover. Then, I'll remember our brief relationship and want to rekindle it, and make up for lost time. You never know.
Best tracks: Mrs. Blaileen
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