Disc 40 is...Closing Time

Year of Release: 1973
How I Came To Know It: Way back in the early nineties, I was watching TV and came upon Tom Waits doing a live concert. I tuned in when he was singing "I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You." I really loved it, so I went and bought it, but it would take years, as well as a little help from my friends, before I really appreciated it.
How It Stacks Up: Sheila and I have beomce big Tom Waits fans, and we have 16 of his albums. I'd say this one is definitely top 5, but not sure where it fits.
Rating: 4 stars.
As I noted above, I first heard about Tom Waits by accident, and I bought this album based on very limited knowledge. I liked it, but it was at a time in my life where I had very little money, and would often buy CDs I later couldn't afford to keep. So some of them got sold - and this was one.
Years later, my friend Casey accidentally bought "Frank's Wild Years" (another Waits album) twice, and gave Sheila and I the extra copy. We both loved it, and before you know it we were drilling through all his stuff. Before too long, I had rebought this album - and was glad I did.
So, in a way Casey and I both bought a Tom Waits album twice - but for different reasons.
This particular album I believe is Tom Waits' first. It has a real laid back quality to it. It is before his "bizarre circus" phase, and sticks to more straightforward folk/blues themes. This doesn't diminish it at all - it is a damned fine debut album.
Tom has a voice like 40 grit sandpaper, and he uses it well. Because his voice and lyrics are so distinctive, I sometimes think he doesn't get his due as a music writer. Many of these songs sound like they are old standards, around for 60 years or more. Yet he wrote these songs - they seem timeless because great art will always survive the test of time.
Don't believe me? Think of the greatest rock song you know. Pick anything. Imagine it was released for the first time today. Would it be a hit? You bet it would. If your answer was "no" then you just happen to have picked a crap song. It happens. Pick a better one and try again.
I guess this is a bad time to point out that while Tom Waits has a dedicated fan base, he doesn't pump out hits. He is a hit with me though.
The bottom line: Yes, you should buy this album. Just don't sell it and have to buy it again. Or buy it twice and give the second copy away. Actually, this latter mistake is OK - you'll likely make someone very happy.
There are many great tracks on here, and not really any stinkers. I came close to going 5 stars, but it didn't quite kill me emotionally. It came damned close, though.
Best tracks: Ol' 55, I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You, Virginia Avenue, Old Shoes, Martha, Rosie. div>
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