Wow – 1800 reviews. Whouda thunk it? But we didn’t get here resting on our laurels, so let’s get right at it.
Disc 1800 is…Warner Bros. Presents…Montrose!
Artist: Montrose
Year of Release: 1975
What’s up with the Cover? This cover looks like the best…motion picture…ever!
I imagine the plot of the film is that a fantasy-based alternate dimension somehow collides with regular earth (that’s us). Castles and mythical creatures collide with city streets and business folks. Mayhem ensues!
Our hero and heroine are depicted in the bottom right of the frame, likely some time before our heroine is grabbed by that twenty-foot-tall dragon/demon/lizard thing.
How did she go from wearing that practical long-sleeved shirt to that not-at-all-apocalypse-friendly tiny slip and heels? To learn that, friends, you’ll have to go see the film. Race for the ticket window with the same wild abandon that crowd is fleeing dragon/demon/lizard guy and find out more!
How I Came To Know It: I learned about Montrose from my friend Spence, who is very much into (and knowledgeable about) seventies rock bands. He also has good taste, so when he makes a recommendation, I tend to follow up.
Doing so unveiled a “five in one” CD box set of Montrose records at my local record store, the third of which was “Warner Bros. Presents Montrose!”
What about the first two in the set, you ask? Well, it wouldn’t be much of a randomly selected experience if I went chronologically. Next you’re going to ask me to use the alphabet. No I shall not, sir! (or madam)! Random or death!
How It Stacks Up: I have five Montrose records. I just got them and it is hard to say for which is the best, but based on early listening, I’ll put “Warner Bros. Presents…” in at #3.
Ratings: 3 stars but almost 4
When a rock band is named after the lead guitar player, it is usually a sign you are going to get exposed to a lot of guitar action. For that to work, that guitar action better be really good.
This was doubly important on “Warner Bros. Presents” given that our guitar hero – Ronnie Montrose – had just lost his charismatic frontman Sammy Hagar, and this record was their first with replacement singer Bob James. Could Montrose rise to the challenge?
The answer is…yes! While overall I slightly prefer Montrose’s first two “Hagar” records, there is a lot to love about “Warner Bros. Presents…” and it all starts – unsurprisingly – with Ronnie Montrose’s skills on the axe.
In a word, wow. This record features a LOT of guitar work. Some slow, some fast, but all of it played with passion and precision, as Montrose knocks out mid-seventies hard rock classics. Does it sometimes stray into that blues boogie rock you might expect from Molly Hatchet? Sure it does, but I like Molly Hatchet.
Ronnie Montrose is hell-bent to show he can play rock guitar in ALL THE WAYS. The opening track “Matriarch” is a straight up galloping banger (with assist to bassist Alan Fitzgerald), you’re only about a third of the way in before Ronnie busts out his first mind-bending solo. Great tone, great control and not just about being fast.
Next up is “All I Need” which starts out with a gentle bit of picking to show Montrose is also sensitive n’ stuff. But sensitive shouldn’t be confused with soft, and when the chorus hits, the growl returns with a riff so crunchy the roof of your mouth will be tender the next morning from chewing on it.
The album’s epic ‘DJ gets a pee break’ song is “Whaler” a moody bit of ocean mystery, where the haze could be an ocean mist across the slick deck of a boat, or just someone not rolling the window down in the Malibu. Montrose lends a sprung rhythm to his playing here, which brings a disjointed beauty. Later, when you’re not sure it can get stranger, there is some creepy but welcome keyboard action to prove it can.
While a lot of this record is Montrose showing off his mad skills, I would be remiss not to give some love to newcomer Bob James. Bob’s vocals are classic mid-seventies rock star, with that plaintive head voice that soars up, around, and through the musicality of the rest of the band. James was plucked from a Montrose cover band, and while that could’ve resulted in a “by the numbers” type experience he rises to the challenge as an original frontman. He doesn’t make you forget Sammy Hagar, but he makes the switch smooth and enjoyable.
The record isn’t perfect, and there is some hokey action salted through the experience. The lyrics on “Dancing Feet” and “Clown Woman” are so bad that no amount of Montrose guitar action or James vocal acrobatics can make things right.
Overall though these moments are outweighed by a balls-out, rock and roll record in the stye that your mom and dad used to like. And you can like it too.
Best tracks: Matriarch, All I Need, Whaler, O Lucky Man